#MGCarousel – 20 Middle Grade Books About Games

20 Middle Grade Books About Games: Middle Grade books featuring epic competitions, tabletop adventures, high scores, and family fun!

Our #MGCarousel reading challenge this month is all about GAMES. If you’re play along, CJ and Elza have gathered 20 Middle Grade books that feature board game monopolizers, online adventure-seekers, arcade aficionados, risk-takers, role-players, and so much more!

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#MGCarousel – 20 Middle Grade Sci-fi Books

20 Middle Grade Sci-Fi Books: Middle Grade books featuring futuristic tech, alien encounters, and intergalactic adventures!

Our #MGCarousel reading challenge this month is all about SCIENCE FICTION. If you’re ready to explore, CJ and Elza have gathered 20 Middle Grade books that feature space travel, mechanical minds, futuristic settings, alien encounters, ingenious inventors, and plenty of scientific discoveries!

Continue reading “#MGCarousel – 20 Middle Grade Sci-fi Books”

Bingo Squares

Need a little help finding books that fit this month’s bingo board? Here are a few recommendations!

Gemstone in the Title

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Download this month’s bingo card and jump right in!

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