#MGCarousel – 20 Middle Grade Books about Birds

20 Middle Grade Books about Birds September 2023 at Middle Grade Carousel. Visit Elymnifoquent.com for the full list.

Our #MGCarousel reading challenge this month is all about BIRDS. CJ and Elza have a flock of 20 Middle Grade books featuring avian creatures!

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#amreading with the flock

Looking for books that fit our monthly reading challenge this September? Try one of the favorites from our home shelf!

Book spotlight for Middle Grade Carousel September 2023: The Early Bird Gets the Bookworm features the book THE POPPER PENGUIN RESCUE by Eliot Schrefer.

It’s been years and years since the Popper family lived in Stillwater, but the town is still riding high on its former penguin residents. Across the river, in Hillport, residents try to re-create the magic with penguin carnival rides and penguin petting zoos, pretending they’re the Popper originals. As the years have gone by, fewer and fewer people have come, and the small attractions shuttered.

Nina and Joe Popper have just moved to Hillport with their mother. There’s a lot to do: unpacking, scrubbing the floors, investigating the basement-wait, what’s this? Two penguin eggs are tucked snugly near the furnace!

It’s up to Nina and Joe to find their newly hatched penguin chicks a home. Setting off on the adventure of a lifetime, they endure perilous storms, a long journey to the Arctic, and of course, penguins. Lots and lots of Popper penguins!

Check our #MGCarousel Challenges page for more info.

#amreading with the flock

Looking for books that fit our monthly reading challenge this September? Try one of the favorites from our home shelf!

Book spotlight for Middle Grade Carousel September 2023: The Early Bird Gets the Bookworm features the book DUCK, DUCK, PEACH by Erin Soderberg Downing.

The Peach family look forward to some peace and quiet over school break … until ships of all kinds start sailing into Duluth. Pirate ships, tall sailboats, tug boats, snazzy speed boats. And the highlight: The World’s Largest Rubber Duck. Their B&B is suddenly sold out, and all hands are on deck for more mis-adventure!

Check our #MGCarousel Challenges page for more info.