#amreading aquatically

Looking for books that fit our monthly reading challenge this July? Try one of the favorites from our home shelf!

Book spotlight for Middle Grade Carousel July 2022: Our Bookshelf Overfloweth features the book A NEARER MOON by Melanie Crowder

Along a lively river, in a village raised on stilts, lives a girl named Luna. All her life she has heard tales of the time before the dam appeared, when sprites danced in the currents and no one got the mysterious wasting illness from a mouthful of river water. These are just stories, though—no sensible person would believe in such things.

Beneath the waves is someone who might disagree. Perdita is a young water sprite, delighting in the wet splash and sparkle, and sad about the day her people will finally finish building their door to another world, in search of a place that humans have not yet discovered.

But when Luna’s little sister falls ill with the river sickness, everyone knows she has only three weeks to live. Luna is determined to find a cure for her beloved sister, no matter what it takes. Even if that means believing in magic.

Check our #MGCarousel Challenges page for more info.

#amreading aquatically

Looking for books that fit our monthly reading challenge this July? Try one of the favorites from our home shelf!

Book spotlight for Middle Grade Carousel July 2022: Our Bookshelf Overfloweth features the book WELL WITCHED by Frances Hardinge

Ryan and his friends don’t think twice about stealing some money from a wishing well. After all, who’s really going to miss a few tarnished coins?

The well witch does.

And she demands payback: Now Ryan, Josh, and Chelle must serve her and the wishes that lie rotting at the bottom of the well. Each takes on powers they didn’t ask for and don’t want. Ryan grows strange bumps–are they eyes?–between his knuckles; Chelle starts speaking the secrets of strangers, no matter how awful and bloody; and Josh can suddenly–inexplicably–grant even the darkest of wishes, the kind of wishes that should never come true.

Check our #MGCarousel Challenges page for more info.

#MGCarousel – 20 Middle Grade Books About Water

20 Middle Grade Books About Water: Middle Grade books featuring aquatic creatures, marine-based magic, seaside settings, and more!

Our #MGCarousel reading challenge this month is all about WATER. If you’re prepared to dive in, CJ and Elza have gathered 20 Middle Grade books that feature seaworthy vessels, aquatic athletes, wet and wild underwater adventures, mythical marine creatures, secret islands, and much more!

Continue reading “#MGCarousel – 20 Middle Grade Books About Water”

#amreading aquatically

Looking for books that fit our monthly reading challenge this July? Try one of the favorites from our home shelf!

Book spotlight for Middle Grade Carousel July 2022: Our Bookshelf Overfloweth features the book MY LIFE IN THE FISH TANK by Barbara Dee.

When Zinnia’s older brother is diagnosed with a mental illness, her parents wish to keep Gabriel’s condition “private” turns Zinny’s life into a giant “secret”. Loyalty to family makes it hard for Zinny to talk to friends, find her place in the Lunch Club, or dare to dream about going away to marine biology camp for the summer.

Check our #MGCarousel Challenges page for more info.

#amreading aquatically

Looking for books that fit our monthly reading challenge this July? Try one of the favorites from our home shelf!

Book spotlight for Middle Grade Carousel July 2022: Our Bookshelf Overfloweth features the book WATER KEEP by J. Scott Savage.

Marcus is bullied because he’s different—orphaned, branded, crippled. But he’s also indomitable, quick-witted, and has a strange talent that can only be described as magic. When the Dark Circle finds him in his Arizona boarding, their kidnapping attempt is foiled by a girl Marcus has only seen in his dreams. Kyja pulls him into Far World, a place where everything and everyone has magic … except her.

Check our #MGCarousel Challenges page for more info.

#MGCarousel – July 2022

Our month-long themed challenges are designed for readers of Middle Grade fiction. Play along by finding books which match the prompt.

Our challenge this July is…

July 2022 at Middle Grade Carousel: Our Bookshelf Overfloweth

Our Bookshelf Overfloweth

CJ and Elza are collecting watery reads this month. Join us for a dip into Middle Grade books that feature wet weather, maritime myths, aquatic animals, and splashy sorcery!

Continue reading “#MGCarousel – July 2022”