#amreading spellbound stories

Looking for books that fit our monthly reading challenge this March? Try one of the favorites from our home shelf!

Book spotlight for Middle Grade Carousel March 2024: Put a Spell on You features the book FREDDIE VS. THE FAMILY CURSE by Tracy Badua.

Upon finding an amulet amongst his family’s heirlooms, Freddie hopes its power is enough to change his fortune. The Ruiz family is cursed, and its effect follows Freddie everywhere. A lucky token is exactly what he needs.

Instead of making things better, however, now Freddie must escape the same unfortunate fate as his ancestor, great-granduncle Ramon, who is trapped within the amulet for eternity.

Check our #MGCarousel Challenges page for more info.

#MGCarousel – 20 Middle Grade Books About Wishes & Curses

20 Middle Grade Books Under a Spell. March 2024 at Middle Grade Carousel. Visit Elymnifoquent.com for the full list.

Our #MGCarousel reading challenge this month is all about WISHES & CURSES. CJ and Elza have 20 enchanting Middle Grade books for your library wishlist!

Continue reading “#MGCarousel – 20 Middle Grade Books About Wishes & Curses”

#amreading spellbound stories

Looking for books that fit our monthly reading challenge this March? Try one of the favorites from our home shelf!

Book spotlight for Middle Grade Carousel March 2024: Put a Spell on You features the book HUMMINGBIRD by Natalie Lloyd.

Olive wishes people would see more to her than someone who is fragile. Brittle bones don’t change her flair for the dramatic, eye for style, great taste in reading material, or knack for birding.

But what if she could make a real wish? When local legend has Macklemore Elementary hunting down a wish-granting wonder, Olive dares to dream bigger than she ever had before.

Check our #MGCarousel Challenges page for more info.

#amreading spellbound stories

Looking for books that fit our monthly reading challenge this March? Try one of the favorites from our home shelf!

Book spotlight for Middle Grade Carousel March 2024: Put a Spell on You features the book MY FATE ACCORDING TO THE BUTTERFLY by Gail D. Villanueva.

Upon spotting a black butterfly, an omen of death, Sab predicts her final day will fall precisely on her eleventh birthday. Her final wish is for her entire family to be together, and that means finding a way to bring her sister, Ate Nadine, home to reconcile with their father.

Check our #MGCarousel Challenges page for more info.