#MGCarousel – February 2024

Header for February 2024: Rainbow features the Middle Grade Carousel banner and an illustration of a toy pinwheel.
We host month-long themed reading challenges designed so you can choose your own pace and reading selection! Our Middle Grade book blog will be updated with this theme in mind, so be sure to subscribe for updates if you want to stay in the loop.

Our challenge this February is…

February 2024 at Middle Grade Carousel: I Can Read a Rainbow.

I Can Read a Rainbow

Colorful Middle Grade Books

Join us in reading Middle Grade books in every hue through the month of February! We recommend looking for varicolored book covers, kids with a passion for arts, crafts, or questing for treasure, titles containing colorful words, and characters who aren’t afraid to show their true colors.

Play Along!

  • Create your own reading list for the month based on our current challenge. Can’t think of any books that fit? Don’t worry! There will be lots of ideas shared on the blog throughout the month.
  • Recommend any related books you love or plan on reading for this month’s reading prompt. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #MGCarousel!
  • Check our Challenges page for more info.

Daily Doings!

Follow us @KindeLadies to answer our daily icebreaker questions every day!

Middle Grade Carousel February 2024: I Can Read a Rainbow. Graphic includes daily prompts (listed below).
  • umbrella on the cover
  • red book covers
  • stripes on the cover
  • a shade of red in the title
  • weather words in the title
  • favorite fictional worlds
  • orange book covers
  • books about science
  • characters with color names
  • a shade of green in the title
  • flag on the cover
  • yellow book covers
  • ‘over’ in the title
  • stories about art
  • a shade of blue in the title
  • green book covers
  • ‘light’ in the title
  • a planet on the cover
  • a perfect rainy day read
  • favorite LGBTQ+ books
  • blue book covers
  • ‘gold’ in the title
  • purple book covers
  • clouds on the cover
  • ‘friend’ in the title
  • pink book covers
  • rainbow on the cover
  • favorite February reads


Spread the word about Middle Grade Carousel to your friends and followers. Please link back to our blog or tag us on social media when using the graphics.

(click to download the individual graphics)

Follow Us!

Get Inspired!

Author: Middle Grade Carousel

A mother-daughter duo dedicated to all things Middle Grade, CJ & Elza run a series of monthly reading challenges. You can also find them on Twitter: @kindeladies, or Instagram: @mgcarousel.

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