Works of Art

Bookmark for February 2024 features colorful illustrations, including a slice of cake with rainbow-colored layers, a box of crayons, a multi-colored bunch of balloons, and a pinwheel.
Our themed Middle Grade reading challenge this month is I CAN READ A RAINBOW. Find more colorful Middle Grade books during the month of February.
Dogie’s surfboards were like works of art. Splashed across their rainbow-colored decks were air-brushed paintings of waterfalls and sea dragons and a host of other fantastic creatures. Her favorite painting was a winged horse that looked like part horse and part comet, with its long tail blazing down the length of the board. —KEEPER by Kathi Appelt

Author: Middle Grade Carousel

A mother-daughter duo dedicated to all things Middle Grade, CJ & Elza run a series of monthly reading challenges. You can also find them on Twitter: @kindeladies, or Instagram: @mgcarousel.

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