#MGCarousel – 20 Multicolored Middle Grade Books

20 Multicolored Middle Grade Books. February 2024 at Middle Grade Carousel. Visit Elymnifoquent.com for the full list.

Our #MGCarousel reading challenge this month is all about THE RAINBOW. CJ and Elza have 20 colorful Middle Grade books to brighten your home shelves!

Continue reading “#MGCarousel – 20 Multicolored Middle Grade Books”

#MGCarousel – 20 Middle Grade Books Set in Autumn

20 Middle Grade Books Set in Autumn. October 2023 at Middle Grade Carousel. Visit Elymnifoquent.com for the full list.

Our #MGCarousel reading challenge this month is all about FALL. CJ and Elza have harvested 20 Middle Grade books with autumnal settings!

Continue reading “#MGCarousel – 20 Middle Grade Books Set in Autumn”

#MGCarousel – 20 Middle Grade Books About Music

20 Middle Grade Books About Music: January 2023 at Middle Grade Carousel. Visit Elymnifoquent.com for the full list.

Our #MGCarousel reading challenge this month is all about MUSIC. If you’re seeking stories with rhythm, CJ and Elza have gathered 20 Middle Grade books that feature band campers, bardic inspiration, strumming, swinging, and plenty a catchy tune!

Continue reading “#MGCarousel – 20 Middle Grade Books About Music”

Bingo Squares

Looking for books that fit our current Book Bingo challenge? Here are a few recommendations to help you read for a win!

Waving on the Cover

Want to play?

Read the challenge rules and download your bingo card to get started!

Can you find a book with a character waving on the cover? Share an MG read you’d add to our stack in the comments!

#amreading familial fiction

Looking for books that fit our monthly reading challenge this February? Try one of the favorites from our home shelf!

The Vanderbeekers have always lived in the brownstone on 141st Street. It’s practically another member of the family. So when their reclusive, curmudgeonly landlord decides not to renew their lease, the five siblings have eleven days to do whatever it takes to stay in their beloved home and convince the dreaded Beiderman just how wonderful they are. And all is fair in love and war when it comes to keeping their home.

Check our #MGCarousel Challenges page for more info.

Bingo Squares

Looking for books that fit July’s Summer Reading Bingo challenge? Here are a few recommendations to help you read for a win!

Bingo Squares: 'road' or 'street' in the title

‘Street’ in the Title

Want to play?

Download this month’s bingo card and jump right in!

Can you find any books with ‘street’ in the title on your shelf? Share an MG read you’d add to our stack in the comments!