#amreading monochromatically

Looking for books that fit our monthly reading challenge this November? Try one of the favorites from our home shelf!

Book spotlight for Middle Grade Carousel November 2022: It's There in Black and White features the book HALFWAY NORMAL by Barbara Dee.

After two years of treatment for leukemia, Norah Levy is ready to return to normal. The hospital social worker warns her the transition back may be tricky, but Norah isn’t worried. Compared with battling cancer, how tricky can seventh grade be?

Very. Everyone treats Norah differently now. Her best friends are part of new groups. Nobody quite understands.

And then she meets Griffin, a cute boy who encourages her love of drawing and Greek mythology. Norah is desperate not to be that girl who had cancer, but secret-keeping becomes impossible and Norah must figure out a way to share her cancer story and still be able to move on and have her normal life.

Check our #MGCarousel Challenges page for more info.

On the Moors

Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

What made it all the scarier was that the castle did not stay in the same place. Sometimes it was a tall black smudge on the moors to the northwest, sometimes it reared above the rocks to the east, and sometimes it came right downhill to sit in the heather only just beyond the last farm to the north. You could see it actually moving sometimes, with smoke pouring out from the turrets in dirty gray gusts.

Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

#amreading monochromatically

Looking for books that fit our monthly reading challenge this November? Try one of the favorites from our home shelf!

Book spotlight for Middle Grade Carousel November 2022: It's There in Black and White features the book MAXI'S SECRETS by Lynn Plourde

Timminy’s family moves just in time to start middle school. His consolation prize is Maxi—a gentle giant of a dog who turns out to be deaf.

Unfortunately, being new in town and a bit of a runt makes you perfect bully bait, so Timminy spends a little too much time getting shoved into lockers and feeling sorry for himself.

While Timminy is determined to do all he can to help Maxi, caring for the Great Pyrenees is full of some much-needed lessons for Timminy.

Check our #MGCarousel Challenges page for more info.


Door to the Lost by Jaleigh Johnson

One of the first things she’d learned upon her arrival in this world was that the children of Talhaven didn’t have white hair. If she wanted to blend in, she needed to change hers. The color she’d chosen—black with just that hint of white—reminded her of a rook, a common crow. That was how she’d come up with her name, since she didn’t remember her real one.

The Door to the Lost by Jaleigh Johnson

#amreading monochromatically

Looking for books that fit our monthly reading challenge this November? Try one of the favorites from our home shelf!

Book spotlight for Middle Grade Carousel November 2022: It's There in Black and White features the book THE VOYAGE OF THE FROG by Gary Paulsen

David Alspeth intended only to fulfill his uncle’s last wish when he set sail in the Frog, but when a savage storm slams the tiny sailboat, David is stranded. No wind. No radio. Little water. Seven cans of food. The storm was just David’s first challenge.

Check our #MGCarousel Challenges page for more info.