International Talk Like a Pirate Day

September 19 is Talk Like a Pirate Day! In celebration, we’re sharing some of our favorite seafaring characters.


Captain Hook & Smee

We love a dynamic duo (are you really so surprised?), so these two are a must in our book. Captain Hook may have the cunning, the looks, and the feathery hat, but where would he be without Smee?


Continue reading “International Talk Like a Pirate Day”

National Ice Cream Day

Today is National Ice Cream Day! Of course, we went right for a double-scoop of magic.

Jonah plopped a spoonful of Chocolate Orange Switcheroo into my glass. “Try this one.”

I took a small bite to start with. The ice cream melted against my tongue, sweet and fruity and smooth. Then came the switcheroo part a chocolate fudgy flavor that caused the corners of my jaws to tingle with happiness.


Crazy good!


A Snicker of Magic
Natalie Lloyd
Lloyd, Natalie - A Snicker of Magic 2

National Prairie Day

The first Saturday in June is #NationalPrairieDay, and what better series to feature than the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Naturally, we have the series on our shelves at home, somewhat battered by much reading. It didn’t take long to find something to complement this month’s theme, which is FEATHERS. In Little Town on the Prairie, there’s a scene in which the Ingalls girls try to rescue some of their corn crop from a flock of hungry blackbirds.

Little Town on the Prairie, BlackbirdsIllustrated by Garth Williams

The blackbirds were so thick now that between the corn rows their wings beat rough against Laura’s arms and battered her sunbonnet. She felt sharp little blows on her head, and Carrie cried out that the birds were pecking her. They seemed to feel that the corn was theirs, and to be fighting for it. They rose up harsh at Laura’s face and Carrie’s, and flew scolding and pecking at their sunbonnets.

Little Town on the Prairie, “Blackbirds”
Laura Ingalls Wilder

While those pesky birds ruin a goodly portion of the Ingalls crop, they get their revenge…

“Well, I’ll be switched!” said Pa …. They all agreed that blackbird pie was even better than chicken pie.


National Olive Day

June 1 is #NationalOliveDay, which seems the perfect excuse to highlight this middle grade title…

Henkes, Kevin - Olive's Ocean

“I don’t know how well you knew Olive.” The woman reached into the pocket of the odd smock she was wearing and retrieved a folded piece of paper. “I found this in her journal, and I think she’d want you to have it.”

The day before her family leaves for vacation, Martha is visited by the mother of a girl from her class at school who recently died in an accident. Martha’s unsettled because the girl—Olive—was also twelve, also wanted to be a writer, and dreamed of one day seeing the ocean. Which is where Martha’s family is bound. Continue reading “National Olive Day”